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Events / Arts festivals

The XX All-Russia Folkore Festival of Traditional Men Culture "Dmitriev Day"

5 - 9 november, 2014, Ekaterinburg

All traditional funs of Kievan Rus and modern Russia will be presented at the festival that has a truly masculine character.

The festival days will be full of activities: creative laboratories, learning and practical seminars on Russian martial arts and folk music traditions. In the evenigs there will be folklore performances.

Although since 1995 the festival is timed to coincide with the Day of the memory of St. Dmitry Solunsky – the saint patron of Russian army and warriors – the skills and abilities could be shown not only by male fighters. Women and girls will present their mastery of handworks as well as vocal and dance skills.

The concert of folk groups that is going to complete the festival will be the spectacular event in the cultural life of the Ural. At the same time the residents of other towns in Sverdlovsk region could share the festival actvities by going to touring concerts that will be performed by individual artists and groups.

In 2014, the festival will mark its anniversary. Over 200 representatives from various parts of Russia will take part in its activities at different sites. All participants undergo rigorous casting: the festival idea admits only performances of authentic folk pieces in the matching dresses.

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20:00:30 0 C (0 F)
Region: Sverdlovsk region
City: Ekaterinburg
Venue: Ural Center of Folklore Arts
Phone: (343) 257 37 82, 257 70 75